
Löwgren, J. & Stolterman, E. (2007). "Thoughtful Interaction Design". The Process (15­-41).


i generally agree to the thesis formed by the authors in the first part: 2.1 from vision to specification the splitting up of the design process in vision, operative image and specifications are helpful to understand the dependencies in a design process. i also the process as a more fluid understanding of methodologies and premade process solutions and that design by definition cannot be design anymore, if there would be a recipe for the process. also

solutions as way to find out own values and ideas

questioning part nice, nice way to question the problem in question, to ask silly questions, to may be akward, to go out of the classical client-designer relation by just reacting on what the client wants explicitly

relatoinship and roles very interesting. 3 types of classical types


the relations between vision and operative image are a bit unclear to me.

Important Quotes

Practicing designers usually find it very difficult to separate certain steps or phases of the design process. To them, lt is all about a process where you move from a complex and open Situation to a more fo- cused and operational one.

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Der Ausdruck Épistémologie wird synonym für Erkenntnistheorie verwendet, das Teilgebiet der Philosophie, das sich mit der Frage nach den Bedingungen von begründetem Wissen befasst.

Grundfragen der Ontologie:

Im Verlauf der Geschichte haben sich verschiedene Phänomene oder Themenbereiche herausgeschält, die Gegenstand philosophischer oder allgemeiner naturwissenschaftlicher Diskussionen sind, und die man als Grundfragen der Ontologie bezeichnen kann:[8]