Lecture 1 – Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design


the steim text gives many interesting insights about the history of a creative company. the back and forth in defining a strategy and the tension between its own traditions and the intrinsic need for innovation and experimentation in such a company came very visible.


although i am not a musician myself I strongly agree with the importance of performative expression at a concert and sometimes feel missing this with electronic music. although music can be made based merely intellectual with the appropriate tools i especially admire the dexterity and manual craftsmanship in making music which mostly only arises after a lot of time, practice and morbidly seeming symbiosis with an instrument.


2021 wurde STEIM aufgrund einer fehlenden Finanzierung geschlossen. (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steim)

Lecture 2 – Data as the new currency. Government’s role in facilitating the exchange


Prototypes should be built, communicated and evaluated based on a spectrum of the three dimensions look and feel, implementation or role. Communication is key. The Audience needs to be informed of what the prototype wants to show and what not. The prototype method needs to be adjusted to the audience type. Designers can be expected to understand more abstract prototypes than the broad public.


The prototypes text is very helpful to get a clear picture of what a prototype is and that it is important to communicate the nature and goal of the prototype. The proposed model is simple but seems to me very helpful to contextualise and communicate a prototype. The 3 dimensionality although may simplifies to much and framing the prototype in that way could lead to wrong decisions and conclusions but i am not yet able to opinionate on that. Although the examples are very aged in 2023 they still work very well to get a good understanding of the model and its real life use cases. Although there are now many new tools available, the idea of prototyping in its essence seems to be the same than 30 years ago.