
Week 2 - 27.02.23 Design/Undesign: Perspectives and biases (jb)

Historical outline and introduction of design method theories, highlighting the notion of design, technology and human experience, as well as understanding who designs design.

Lecture : “Perspectives of Interaction Design”


Carroll, J. M. (2000). "Making Use: Scenario-­Based Design of Human­Computer Interactions". The MIT Press. “the Process”

Sanders, E. (2013). "Perspectives on Participation in Design". Transcript Verlag.

Readings to browse:

Dubberly, H. ­(2004). "How do you design?" Dubberly Design Office.

Mareis, C. (2013). "Wer gestaltet die Gestaltung? Zur ambivalenten Verfassung von partizipatorischem Design". Transcript Verlag.

Dreyfuss, H. S. "The designer’s role (sketch)".

Kolko, J. (2011). "Exposing the Magic of Design: A Practitioner’s Guide to the Methods and Theory of Synthesis". (Oxford Series in Human­Technology Interaction) (1 ed.). Oxford University Press, USA.

Reading 1

Carroll, J. M. (2000). "Making Use: Scenario-­Based Design of Human­Computer Interactions". The MIT Press. “the Process”
