Lecture 1 – Demo or die


How storytelling can be conveyed through alternative means: As a unique take on the conventional telephone, the Iso-phone isolates users from external sensory input, helping them concentrate better on the call and the other person's voice. By showcasing the prototype, it aims to entice a broader audience and prompt them to rethink their phone usage and consider different ways phones could have been designed.


Of course I often think about the design and usability of various objects and products. The Iso-phone approach sparks curiosity about how reimagining familiar devices can result in innovative and unexpected solutions, ultimately improving our experiences and communication.

Lecture 2 – Storytelling or innovation


As humans naturally process information through stories, employing storytelling as a means to present ideas becomes logical. Exploratory play encompasses designing playful interactions that effectively construct ideas, utilizing stories as mental models, and emphasizing the importance of inventions presented in stories. As a story unfolds, listeners must make sense of the information provided. Filtering involves using stories as models to eliminate unsuitable ideas, recognizing that an idea may not be ready for development if listeners fail to connect with the story.


Having gained a better understanding of storytelling's role, I now appreciate the significance of incorporating it into design processes. By utilizing exploratory play and filtering designers can create compelling narratives that resonate with their audiences. These narratives not only foster connections but also help refine ideas and generate effective solutions.